New patients must be referred by their Primary Care Physician, emergency room, urgent care, or another specialist office. We do not accept self-referrals from patients. Once we receive demographics and recent notes, patients will be contacted for an appointment. If we need additional information prior to scheduling, it is the patient's responsibility to have that information sent to the office.
For your office visit, please complete the Patient Paperwork prior to your visit and bring it with you. Please be sure to also bring:
Current insurance card​
Photo identification
Insurance referral and co-pay if required*
Current list of medications with dosages and frequency
*All co-pays are due at the office visit. If your insurance plan has an in-network deductible that is applicable to your office visit and procedures, patients are required to pay any remaining deductibles prior to service. If you have any questions, please contact the office or see the Billing page for more details.
When checking out, you will be scheduled for any procedures or tests ordered by the provider.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your office visit, please contact the office 24 hours prior to your appointment. Patients with multiple late cancellations or no-shows may not be rescheduled at the physician's discretion.